Paws-United is always in need of donations! Our wish list includes but is not limited to:
Online donations can be accepted below.
Paws-United is a registered Charity, our charitable number is: 824621643RR0001. All donations raised will go to the care and vetting of all dogs in our rescue.
We can accept email money transfers to
All donations are very gratefully accepted, and a tax receipt can be issued for any donation of $20 or more, if a tax receipt is required we will need a separate email with the address and information for the receipt to be sent to as well as the password used to send the transfer.
MAKE A DONATIONVolunteer opportunities vary in terms of jobs, time commitment and location depending on your experience, availability and interests.
London area – Volunteers assist at adoption showcase events, donation collection, fundraising event planning and implementing and other areas that come up through out the year.
Out of town – We are always in need of people in various cities to assist with home inspections for potential adopters. Volunteers outside of our immediate area can also assist with phone interviews and reference checks of potential adopters. If you’ve got great telephone communication skills and would love to help with our adoption process, fill out a volunteer application for more information!
APPLY TO VOLUNTEERWe are always looking for new foster homes for dogs in need.
We supply everything for the dogs while they are in foster care including food, crates, leashes, collars, treats, toys and anything else the dog might need.
All dogs are spayed / neutered, vaccinated and de-wormed.
You can fill it out by visiting the Foster Application page!